Best Practices for Cleaning Hardwood!

 When you get new hardwood installed, it's important to understand the best way to take care of it to ensure it lasts a long time! At Eldon Furniture, we not only offer a great selection of home furnishings, but we also offer flooring and installation too! After your new floor is installed, we want to ensure it lasts for many years to come. Read on to get a few tips for cleaning hardwood! 

Regular Cleaning 

It's important to regularly clean your hardwood flooring to ensure it stays in tip-top shape. Below are a few do's and don'ts when cleaning your hardwood on a regular basis.


Wipe Up Spills Immediately  

You never want to let anything liquid stand on your hardwood floor. When you notice a spill, use a soft cloth to blot and wipe up spots as soon as they happen.

Sweep Often 

You can sweep, dust, or vacuum your hardwood depending on your preference. If you are using a vacuum, be sure to use a hardwood floor attachment to avoid scratching your floor.

Use Cleaner for Hardwood 

Harsh chemicals can damage your hardwood. It's important to only use a cleaner made for hardwood. Other cleaners could ruin your finish. Floor cleaner should be used regularly.


No Oils, Wax, or Polish 

Oils, wax, polish, and ammonia products can dull your floors and should be avoided altogether. 

No Abrasive Cleaners 

If something gets stuck to your floor you should never use steel wool, scouring powders, or other abrasive cleaners. Using these types of products will scratch your floors.

Don't Use a Mop 

It may be tempting to wet mop your floor but this is a big no-no for hardwood. Using a wet mop with soap, water, or oil-soap detergent can warp your floor over time causing damage that likely can't be fixed.

Pro Tips 

Removing Something Sticky 

Sticky substances can be hard to get off of any floor. For getting off chewing gum, candle wax, etc. try applying ice to the substance to harden it up. Then use a plastic scraper to scrape it off - be careful not to scratch your floor. 

Protect your Flooring 

In addition to regular cleaning, it's a good practice to take preventative measures to protect your flooring. Use entry mats to collect dirt and grit from entering your home. To prevent your mat from slipping, use an underlayment to prevent it from sliding around. You should also make sure that you have. It's also important to ensure that the bottom of your furniture has protective pads that won't scratch your flooring.

Shop at Eldon Furniture for all Your Furniture Needs 

We help you every step of the way after you’ve selected your new floor: professional on-site measurement, removal of old flooring, and skilled installation that includes moving your furniture and replacing trim. We do it all expertly, so your floor will look amazing and give lasting satisfaction. We offer a wide range of flooring materials to choose from including hardwood, carpet, laminate, tile,. and more! 

Come Visit Our Store In Downtown Eldon! 

5 S Maple St                                                                                                                                         Store Hours 
Eldon, Mo 65026                                                                                    Monday-Wednesday: 8:30 AM-5:30 PM 
Phone: 573-392-4721                                                                                                Thursday: 8:30 AM-7:00 PM
Fax: 573-392-4735                                                                                                     Saturday: 8:00


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